In 2010 Germany, almost half a million "silent SMS" messages were sent by the federal police, customs and the secret service "Verfassungsschutz" (offices for protection of the constitution).[81] These silent messages, also known as "silent TMS", "stealth SMS", "stealth ping" or "Short Message Type 0",[82] are used to locate a person and thus to create a complete movement profile. They do not show up on a display, nor trigger any acoustical signal when received. Their primary purpose was to deliver special services of the network operator to any cell phone.
Silent Messages Book Download
As mobile devices are exponentially becoming a primary part of the workforce, apps have fast become the foundation of such mobile workforces. Organizations are utilizing both Store and enterprise apps as a part of their workforce. In the case of Store apps, you need to have the Apple ID present on the device whereas enterprise apps are in-house apps that are not available for public download. The former becomes an issue in the case of corporate devices/shared devices whereby you wouldn't want the employee's (personal) Apple ID to be used, which can also enable Activation Lock. With such constraints, you would ideally want the apps to be installed without the Apple ID or user dependency of any sort. Apps with a size greater than 200 MB are silently installed only when the devices are connected to a Wi-Fi and not Cellular Data.
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To schedule and send silent messages, users can simply type out their messages, but long tap on the send button instead of simply pressing it. This will show you the schedule and silent message options.